Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hot Potato Chip: Week 38

38 weeks today, and although I'm feeling pretty good, I'm hoping that I only have a couple more of these updates to go!  Chip shows no signs of making an appearance any time soon though...

What we ate: I've been trying to focus on healthy lunches, with a fair degree of success.  Having my fridge and oven to hand means there's no excuse for eating toasted peanut butter sandwiches! My favourite re-discovery has been twice baked potatoes (or kumara) stuffed with cottage cheese, cheddar, veges, and topped with whatever else I have in the fridge.  Today's mexican kumara was particularly scrummy!

How we moved: I've been slowly getting into a maternity leave routine, but we're sharing one car and I'm not as mobile as I once was, so it's not always easy.  Anyhoo:

Tuesday: Rest (much needed)
Wednesday: 40 min swim
Thursday: 45 minute swim; walk to yoga; yoga
Friday: 1:00 walk with a friend
Saturday: Rest (but had quite a big day wandering around Raglan)
Sunday:40 min swim with Phil
Monday: Rest

Where we went: The plan was to join Phil and a friend of ours in Auckland so they could go to Roxette. But when the concert was cancelled, we decided to head to the beach instead, and had a lovely picnic and wander in Raglan.  Bliss.

What we wore: Stripy singlets and shorts. Being at home is bliss.

What we bought/got given: I think we made it a whole week without a purchase.  Wow!  We did a lot of setting up though- Chip's room is nearly done!

What changed: Nuttin' much.

Exciting moments: Putting the bassinet up in our bedroom.  So cute!

What I miss:  Being mobile- I've been carless for a couple of days this week, and I've really noticed my lack of independence.  Today I walked my errands, but it was pretty tiring, and it would have been great to have been able to pop onto my bike, or just to walk into town without it being a big excursion! (we'll have a second car available after the baby comes, it just hasn't been worth it to organise it yet)

And it's about time I put a new belly shot up! (I've been slack taking them, and my 37 week photo was of my bare bump and not for public consumption!) I've been thinking the bump hasn't grown much over the third tri after it's early poppage, but it's plenty big now and has dropped a bit too: 

28 weeks
38 weeks


Lisa @ Bakebikeblog said...

I cant believe how close we are to the 'end' of this awesome adventure (although I guess we are really actually close to the 'start' of an even better one!)

how are you finding maternity leave thus far? I start mine on Friday and dont know how I will cope with just having weeks off to myself before bubs arrives.....

HotpotatoKate said...

Leave's OK- a bit lonely at times, and I feel very far away from work which is not bad or good, but odd. There's plenty to do (baking, reading labour and baby books, reading novels, laundry, cleaning, nursery and hospital bag organising, organising photos, adding music to my ipod, going for walks/swims etc) and my bigger problem is actually finding energy and motivation to do it! I'm seeing people from ante natal and other friends with babies, and weekly midwife appointments...

Casie said...

What a difference 10 weeks can make ;)

sarah (the SHU box) said...

1) SOOO CLOOOSE!  this might be the last update - can you believe it?  

2) i'm so jealous of your leave!  mine starts when i get admitted in labor!!  i would love some pre-baby weeks to rest up before the craziness begins!

Britt said...

You look great Kate! So impressed with all the swimming you're doing!

HotpotatoKate said...

I'm SO glad I decided to take my leave a bit earlyish- even though I'd love to have 3 more weeks with the baby, I was too tired to work properly after 34 weeks!

runbakerace said...

You are look beautiful and Chip does look like he has dropped!!! You are doing so great on the workouts and I'm so impressed.  I am starting to feel like a slug and getting my booty to the gym is getting harder and harder.  Enjoy your maternity leave and it's easy to get used to not being at work. :)